$ 0

Brasserie Gavroche

Brasserie Gavroche celebrates the quintessential spirit of Paris. Since opening its antique wooden doors in 2012, the rustic, hand-me-down French recipes enjoyed by Parisians daily have been a mainstay at this charming shophouse on Tras Street.

Timeless dishes prepared by Chef Owner Frederic Colin includes the Potée Auvergnate, a traditional pork hotpot laced with cabbage and garden fresh vegetables and tender meat that simply falls off the bone.

Also highly recommended is the Quenelle de poisson sauce Nantua – Grand pere Henri’s fish quenelle of painstakingly hand-grated pike fish fillets is served with a delicious crayfish bisque.

Tartine d’os à moëlle
Tartine d’os à moëlle
$ 19
Escargots de Bourgogne au beurre d’ail
Escargots de Bourgogne au beurre d’ail
$ 21
Soupe à l’oignon, recette de Grand-Père Henri
Soupe à l’oignon, recette de Grand-Père Henri
$ 16

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Lorem ipsum nunc gravida ut ornare, id at varius quam. Mattis quis tortor hendrerit.


Lorem ipsum nunc gravida ut ornare, id at varius quam. Mattis quis tortor hendrerit.


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